
CEECAT Capital is proud to have supported the Ambrose Buoys in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Rowing Challenge

CEECAT Capital is proud to have been the headline sponsor to three brothers, Felix, Finn, and Louis Ambrose (, who followed in their Father’s footsteps in rowing across the Atlantic to become the first children of an Atlantic Ocean rower to compete with their Father’s time.

In December 2022, they embarked upon the challenge to compete in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge (, an unassisted rowing race from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua in the Caribbean, a distance of 3,000 miles. The race is dubbed ‘The World’s Toughest Row’, which typically requires 40 to 60 days of non-stop rowing: 2 hours on, 2 hours off, 24 hours a day. The brothers completed the race in 36 days, beating their Father's time of 59 days, winning the £5 bet with days to spare. In so doing they came second in the 3-person category and 10th overall to complete the journey out of the 43 boats to start the race.

The brothers participated in the challenge to fundraise for Tusk (, a humanitarian and conservation charity operating across Africa. Now, more than ever, conservation across Africa is suffering as attention has been turned towards first the pandemic and subsequently global economic events.  At CEECAT Capital we believe passionately in the preservation of our wild habitat so that future generations will be able to enjoy something that most of us have taken for granted during our own lifetime.

Aspiration and achievement.  We congratulate the Ambrose Family for an incredible feat.